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Magnetic labelling

(Code: FM651)
Description : 150mm x 35mm label pack
Application : Laser or inkjet printing
£ 18.00(21.48 €)
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Magnetic labelling• For making customised magnetic labels
• Print with laser or ink jet onto matt or gloss options
• Write onto dry wipe sheet option
• Self adhesive backed version available
Code Description  Application  Price   
FM651  150mm x 35mm label pack  Laser or inkjet printing  £ 18.00 Details Buy
060511D1  Self adhesive magnetic sheet 85mm x 55mm  Application to existing card/label  £ 34.87 Details Buy
060711Y6  Self adhesive magnetic sheet A4  Application to existing card/label  £ 39.85 Details Buy
060510U14  Dry wipe magnetic sheet A4  Dry wipe marker  £ 43.83 Details Buy